Thursday 22 May 2008


I have recently developed the habit of listening to podcasts while I am not working as a way to try and get a little more learning time packed into a busy schedule (anyone else wishing for 36 hour days?). I have enjoyed quite a few and thought I'd share them.

I have enjoyed listening to Joel and Jeff talking about, well anything that comes up while they set up a community based site for finding answers to programming questions, at:
It's not overly technical, but it is interesting to listen to two people with very different approaches to development talk about a variety of subjects.

Craig Andera and Tim Ewald have been podcasting occasionally and have some interesting insight on RESTful services and also interviewed Jon Lam about Iron Ruby. It doesn't have a feed that I can find or a tag so I have linked to the latest and there are links there to the previous podcasts:

and Software Engineering Radio has many really good podcasts and interviews on a really broad range of subjects. Because it focuses more on software engineering, they also talk about a wide range of technologies:

If you have any other suggestions please feel free to post them.

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